Trading system development
Overseas company registration
Hong Kong company, American company, British company, BVI company
Singapore company, Canadian company, Bellyz, Cayman Islands Company
Please add Telegram to contact
MetaTrader 5
MT5 one-stop construction, webpaMT5主标ge/computer/mobile terminal, professional team operation and maintenance training
MetaTrader 4
MT4 builds operation and maintenance, professional stability, technical 5*24 online support
Tradingweb|Trading system construction
Official genuine trading software, a full set of bidding and construction, satisfied with high quality
cTrader|Trading system construction
Official software, mobile terminal/web terminal/PC terminal, a full set of bidding and construction, professional consultation on multiple solutions
Cryptocurrency Exchanges|Version A
Market trends, exchange construction, operation and maintenance, and professional technical docking are perfect
Cryptocurrency Exchanges|Version B
The latest market, professional exchange construction, novel interface
Clear interface, support MT4/MT5/Tradingweb system, multi-language development and customization
Foreign exchange construction
A dark horse in the industry, the latest trading software is exclusively developed, perfectly replacing the MT system, and can be customized to develop functions
Support MT4 system, the interface is clear and easy to operate
Foreign exchange financial license
NFA in the United States, RIA in the United States, FTR in Canada, FCA in the United Kingdom, ASIC in Australia, AFSL IB in Australia, Labuan STP, CIMA in Cayman, Vanuatu, Cayman Securities Exchange, Belize Securities Exchange, etc.
Exchange license
US MSB license, Canadian MSB / FMSB and other exchange licenses can apply